Friday, June 26, 2009

Found Wanting - Chapter 12 is up!

The last chapter of "Found Wanting" is now posted! Thanks to everyone for reading it and offering so much encouragement! And yes, I hope to try to get it published! I may take a little break, but there's already a gleam in my eye for my next project. By popular demand, I'm hoping to write a prequel to "Found Wanting"! I hope it's as well received as this story has been.

Special thanks to Jon McCarthy & Tommy Evans for help with the plot and technical aspects; to Clarence Bradley, Tammy Guenard, Joey DeLoach, Monique St. Romaine and everyone who helped put a fire under my ass for the next chapter. And a very heartfelt thank you to all the heroes, past and present, living and dead, of New Orleans Emergency Medical Services. Every one of you are my inspiration!

-Sean Fitzmorris

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